1.Computer in Education:
Back to the 1940s, the modern electronic computer was developed at U.S. universities; however, in the year, there was no computer education yet. It needed more 10 years to have computer education. The period of the computer revolution was 1950 in the U.S.. Computer education began in the middle of the 1950s with an organized body of knowledge. Also Japanese the teaching of computer science has been developed in the same period. During 1955 to 1959, some universities developed their own computers. They organized short courses.
Computer technology comes from the U.S. to Japan. Usually a technology is developed in the U.S.. After that, it comes to Japan so Japanese computer education is late at all and most manuals are written in English so it iseasy to lean computer for people who speak English; however, most Japanese people who live in Japan cannot understand English so they have to translate English to Japanese to understand the manuals. It needs much time. Usually Japanese universities teach computer to students in Japanese so students have to study not only computer but also English when they try to use computer even if they can use Japanese operating system. For example, the command of tcomputer programming languages are written in English so Japanese students have to have dictionary their hand, therefore, some students stop learning it. It is so hard for Japanese student.
In the near future, computer technology will be needed and important for not only students who want to be programmers or engineers but also general Japanese people so Japanese computer education has to find their own computer educational system so that people who have no computer knowledge can learn it easily.

2.Computer in Industry:
Computers are used in industry in different types of systems.
Computer-controlled robots are used to perform many complicated jobs in industry. Robots are computer controlled programmable machines. They can perform mechanical jobs, too, like pick and place different parts, welding or painting cars etc.oday, computer-controlled robots are used to assemble cars. No doubt, these systems work faster than human beings. Another popular and efficient use for computer controlled robots is in the field of spray painting.

The consistency and repeatability of a robot's motion have enabled near perfect quality painting while at the same time wasting no paint and leaving no place without paint.Perhaps the most popular applications of robots are in industrial welding. The repeatability, uniformity quality, and speed of robotic welding is unmatched.Computer controlled Robots can be found in the manufacturing industry, the military, space exploration, transportation, and medical applications.
Computer programs are used to design the model of a product on the computer. This process is called Computer Aided Design or CAD. Due to CAD, we
can test the designed product with the help of computer. When the design is completed successfully, the actual product is manufactured.
3.Computers in Business:
Computers have tremendously improved the way businesses operate in their respective industries. Technology has advanced so remarkably that those who are not using computers in their business are at a major disadvantage against their competitors. In particular, there are several important advantages that computers can provide to small businesses.
Computers allow the application of different types of software that can help businesses keep track of their files, documents, schedules and deadlines. Computers also allow businesses to organize all of their information in a very accessible manner. The ability to store large amounts of data on a computer is convenient and inexpensive, and saves space. A computer's ability to allow a company to organize its files efficiently leads to better time management and productivity.
Computers have made staff and companies more self-sufficient by allowing them to do tasks that previously had to be outsourced. For example, a company can now use office software to create their own training material. Desktop publishing software can be used to create marketing materials. Online tax and accounting programs allow companies to prepare their own taxes. This allows the dominant operations of a company to remain in-house and empowers the company to become more independent and less susceptible to errors committed by outside parties.

4.Computer in Communication:
Humans have always communicated. In the beginning of mankind, man and woman used speech and body languages. Nowadays, we also use telecommunication technology for communication. During the relative short era of computers we have developed languages and rules for communication between them. These languages and rules are called protocols. The most well known protocols are TCP/IP, used in the Internet.In our research, we focus on radio based computer communication. Our vision is to provide the same mobility to the user as the cellular phone, with the same communication performance, cost and quality as the fixed wired networks.
In the future, computers will be so common in our everyday appliances and mobile units that we will not react on them. Wireless embedded sensor networks with powerful CPUs will be common. All these computers will be able to communicate with each other, often over wireless networks. But, in the future we will not have the time, or the desire to configure this massive amount of computers and networks that we constantly will have around us. Instead, the computers must configure and set-up networks themselves for their task at hand. a ignificant part of our research studies such spontaneous autonomic networks, created for the situation and moment. It could be an ad-ho network of mobile phones for a disaster area where the stationary infra-structure is broken. A major part of our research is in the area wireless sensor networks within the Uppsala WISENET center of Excellence.
These self-configuring protocols must be trustworthy, i.e. reliable and secure, to be accepted. We study how authentication of correct users can be done automatically and how protocols could ensure transmission integrity when computers join and leave different networks. Another important property for trustworthiness is the resilience against computer viruses and other malicious attacks.

5.Computers in Entertainment and multimedia:
Computers are used in entertainment to creat or enhance a production or performance. The tools have become almost impossible to distinguish between the real and the artificial in film and photography.A wide range of theoretical and practical computer applications in the entertainment industry, including engagement, playfulness, creative technique, business, separability, and “funology.” CiE publishes peer-reviewed research papers and articles, as well as commentaries, opinion articles, video interviews as well as their transcriptions, creative content such as games and artwork, and more.
A multimedia computer is a computer that is optimized for high multimedia performance, enabling rich multimedia experience.Early home computers lacked the pow and storage necessary for true multimedia. The games for these systems, along with the demo scene were able to achieve high sophistication and technical polish using only simple, blocky graphics and digitally generated sound.The Amiga 1000 from Commodore International has been called the first multimedia computer.
Most PCs today have good multimedia features. They have dual- or single-core C Pus clocked at 3.0 GHz or faster, at least 1GB of RAM, a 128 MB or higher video card and TV Tuner card. Popular graphics cards include Dravidian G force or ATI Radon. The Intel Vi iv platform, and Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition are some of today's products aimed at multimedia computing.